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Rates Of Suicide & The Need for Emotional Intelligence In Business

Whenever you seek change in organizations, target the human side that operates them, i.e. consider employees’ emotions as doors to their potential healing or turmoil. Even in business, emotions are key. Therefore, increasing Emotional Intelligence on the individual or organizational level is the key to effective change inside any organization, and it’s a need that assures its success in the future.

Check out this clip by Chip Conley, who talks about his personal encounter with suicide in the US, and its increasing rates, which motivated him to seek a better understanding of himself, life and others, until he landed on the domain of Emotional Intelligence, and how it helped him and his business thrive.

Take care of your emotions. Honor, respect and listen to them. They are your real source of knowledge and wisdom.


Hi, I am Coach Razan Kilani. I am certified by the International Coach Federation as a PCC. I have coached over 35 clients for over 1500 hours. I love my work! It's been such an honor for me to share my clients' lives, troubles, achievements and precious moments. Together, we nurtured their paths and mine towards success and happiness. My job interprets who I am and very much enables me to fulfill my innermost values in life, such as giving, understanding, respecting, caring and going on perseveringly. I established Wisdom Within Consultancy over 6 years ago, and has catered to wide ranges of my clients, of all ages, circumstances, and challenges. At Wisdom Within Consultancy, we offer Emotional Intelligence highly Certified Coaching to individuals and groups, comprising all ages and different fields of work. We coach business groups, yet we do focus on the person interacting in the different aspects of his or her life (parenting, relationship and work). Coach Razan empowers you to achieve goals you have always wanted to achieve, and to overcome obstacles that are hindering your progress in life and work. With over 6 years of international experience, I would love to support you to find your inner voice, and live the life you wish to live, in order to be happy, successful and content. Contact me on and begin your life changing journey! If you feel stuck in any way, then Wisdom Within Coaching can help you. Low self-confidence, work-life balance, emotional intelligence, social anxiety, weight loss, reducing your social and emotional anxiety and stress, improving your or your employees' performance, finding time to meditate or to spend time with your loved ones and if you need help in realizing your dream goals, get the work you want, etc. then please contact us on We can help you get unstuck and move toward the life you really want to live from now on. Join us!

2 thoughts on “Rates Of Suicide & The Need for Emotional Intelligence In Business

    1. Thanks for your note.
      It’s scary to realize the consequences of operating in a way that is far from our true selves, and of feeling insignificant. Yet, how easy and affordable it is to listen to our emotions and our selves, and working upon their insight, we regain our sense of value.
      Thanks for following my blog and hope you always drop us a message every time. 🙂

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