Posted in Articles, Creative Solutions For You

Never Stop The Flow of Life! You’ll Stagnate!

The Flow of Things
Image via Wikipedia

Thanks to all my followers. You give me a great push forward. I’ll continue sharing with you some of the best articles, videos, quotes, etc. so that you can always find my blog as resourceful and insightful as possible. Make it your everyday stop to learn something new, cheer up and get inspired. That’s what I do to all of your blogs. 🙂

Below is a clip advocating a life lesson I strongly believe in, which is that things happen for a reason.

I’ve learned throughout the years that the only thing that results from negative emotions regarding a particular situation is isolation. I have learned that life is free-flowing, like an ever-spinning wheel. Whoever stops and sits on its side (stagnate), gets run over by that wheel, which in turn keeps spinning and moving on. This has taught me that no matter how depressing, upsetting, saddening or disappointing a certain matter is, I have got to learn to see beyond that, and try to learn a lesson from it, despite how ugly the experience was. I have learned that if we keep judging matters and people, we are only isolating ourselves from the general fabric or network that ties us to them within a context.

Instead of denying a certain bad experience, acknowledging it as is frees our souls from judging it, ourselves and others. We  then can try to derive a learning out of it and move on. The flow of life is so miraculous. It can’t be stopped until each one of us has got the wisdom behind its happenings.

Similarly, people coming into your life happens for a reason, as they are there to draw your attention to something you had attracted or needed to learn. People (co-workers, partners, friends, strangers, clients, including our kids) are key drivers of the happenings of our lives.  By acknowledging them, we are opening up our souls to see the lesson behind their existence in our lives.

Enjoy the clip, titled People Come To Your Life For A Reason.